Its me!

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I'am a simple and nice people at all times. Just call me dex,den,chewi and intsuk...but my real name is dexter!

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Wanted: Teachers Who!

S erve without counting the cost
E ndeavor to strive for excellence
R each out to others
V alue their integrity and credibility
E xplore all means to better themselves.

G o the extra mile
O ffer their work to the Lord
D raw strength and wisdom from the Lord

W in others to Christ by their example
H umbly do any task assi
I nspire and energize those around them
L ovingly share their resources and talents
E xude warmth and love

A ttain personal sanctification through their work
T reasure personal relationships above wealth and power

W elcome challenges and thrive on them
O rganize and balance their personal work concerns
R efuse to compromise their principles
K now that working is on
e way of serving and pleasing God